Life Coaching to support women with ADHD to THRIVE in their life and career

Have you discovered that you have (may have) ADHD, and are struggling with managing life, working this all out, and how to move forward? If so, youā€™re in the right place.

I am an experienced, supportive Coach and Mentor (Big Sister!) for women with ADHD, those going through the diagnosis process, or those just thinking they might have ADHD. My passion is to empower you to live an incredible life, especially in your work / career.

Coaching is an incredible support space, helping you break free from mental clutter, tap into your inner strength, and navigate life successfully on your terms.

Itā€™s a confidential, non judgemental, supportive space where a qualified coach (hello!) guides and empowers you to positively move forward in life.

Coaching is particularly good for us ADHDers, as it supports us to get out of the busy ā€˜ADHDā€™ mind, and access a calm/still/peaceful space inside, from which we access our own clarity, wisdom and insights to confidently guide us.

In our sessions my intention is to empower you to get clarity on how to create a supportive, positive and purposeful life for yourself, one step at a time, with accountability and cheerleading along the way!

(Did you know, in the UK you can get your Coaching Support Sessions FUNDED!

through the UK government ā€˜Access to Workā€™ scheme? Learn more at the end.)

Coaching Packages

Iā€™m super excited to share three of my signature coaching packages.

Each package features your personal coaching hub for resources, tools, and accountability. You can also receive an 'ADHD Foundational Wellbeing' digital journal to establish healthy habits and support mental wellbeing.


Uncover your true gifts. Transform your career and life with this purpose-driven career focused coaching programme. .


Manage the challenges and maximise the superpowers of ADHD to thrive in your life.


Discover how to live true to yourself and your needs, to live a happier and more confident life.

So brilliant angel, however you are feeling today, I want you know that positive change is ahead. 

I provide a confidential, non-judgmental, supportive coaching space, to enable you to BE YOU, just as you are, and to learn how to feel calm, confident and in control, in both your career and personal life.

My coaching approach, rooted in positive forward movement and well-being, goes beyond ADHD-specific strategies. I'm here to empower you as an individual, recognising that you're more than your ADHD ā€“ you ARE a woman with exceptional gifts and strengths. When we step in to our Passion and Purpose we truly thrive.

A more empowering life awaits, and I'm committed to helping you understand and achieve your unique version of it.

The world needs your amazing contributions. Take that bold step toward your dreams.


Lindsay (Your ADHD Big Sister) x